
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Art Holic Art is one of my hobbies , I've been drawing sense I was a small girl. I used to draw all day and hung up my drawings on the wall.Now after I grown up my drawing became better than before , when I look at my old drawings I laugh so hard , I can't believe that I made that once.I wanted to show you my drawing , so I took a picture of it. Hope you like it! =)


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Last song =p

The Last Song

This is a story about a girl who always fights with her father , And d her mother live in the city , She met a boy and they where always together , then they fell in love with each other then the girl found out that her father was sick he had concur , and he didn’t tell anyone then the girl become close with her him , after a while they took him to the hospital and her father died..

My Shots

Pea Foul

Rain Drop
Baskin Robbins

Brother and falcon


Burj Khalifa

Coca Cola


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Art =D


مِن هُنـآ بدَأتْ *

. . كنت
! لــآ أستمتع إلا بالإستمآع للموسيقى والأغآني بشتى أنواعها
. . و لكن
بعد وصول بريد الكتروني شدًّني انتباهي ؛ أعترف إني كنت أجهل أن تلك الدقائق البسيطة قد تقودني لنار جهنم و بئس المصير
. . من هنا بدأت
قمت بِـمسح كل الأغاني التي كآنت تملـأ الحاسوب . . و قمت بفتح صفحة جديدة مع نفسي و قمت بمعاهدة نفسي بأنني
لن أستمع للموسيقى ؛
و خير تعويض عن ذلك هو الاستماع لكلمات عطرة من الذكر الحكيم ؛ انها تطمئن القلوب و تهدء النفوس
كما ذكر الله تعالى في القرآن الكريم

" وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَنْ ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَى "

TV Series And Movies

In my day I have to watch TV, I like to watch TV series and movies. My favorite series is the vampire and 90210. Before 2 days I watched chance pe dance it’s an Indian movie I loved it, it talks about a man called sameer who wants to be a hero … he went to many interviews because he wants to be an actor. But no one will accept him. After that he will went to children school and teached the students how to dance because he loved to dance too. He will Train them because they have a competition in the school and they will win .after that he Participated in the competition (Star of Indian) and they accepted him so he became a star and has achieved his dream.

غُروبْ الشَّمْــس *

يشعرني غروب الشمس بإعلانٍ لنهاية يوم مليء بمواقف و لحظات سواء كانت سعيدة أو حزينة . .

و هو أمل بقدوم يوم جديـد ؛ و يبث في نفسي التفاءل بأشياء رائعة مواقف جميلة . .
