
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Art =D


مِن هُنـآ بدَأتْ *

. . كنت
! لــآ أستمتع إلا بالإستمآع للموسيقى والأغآني بشتى أنواعها
. . و لكن
بعد وصول بريد الكتروني شدًّني انتباهي ؛ أعترف إني كنت أجهل أن تلك الدقائق البسيطة قد تقودني لنار جهنم و بئس المصير
. . من هنا بدأت
قمت بِـمسح كل الأغاني التي كآنت تملـأ الحاسوب . . و قمت بفتح صفحة جديدة مع نفسي و قمت بمعاهدة نفسي بأنني
لن أستمع للموسيقى ؛
و خير تعويض عن ذلك هو الاستماع لكلمات عطرة من الذكر الحكيم ؛ انها تطمئن القلوب و تهدء النفوس
كما ذكر الله تعالى في القرآن الكريم

" وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَنْ ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَى "

TV Series And Movies

In my day I have to watch TV, I like to watch TV series and movies. My favorite series is the vampire and 90210. Before 2 days I watched chance pe dance it’s an Indian movie I loved it, it talks about a man called sameer who wants to be a hero … he went to many interviews because he wants to be an actor. But no one will accept him. After that he will went to children school and teached the students how to dance because he loved to dance too. He will Train them because they have a competition in the school and they will win .after that he Participated in the competition (Star of Indian) and they accepted him so he became a star and has achieved his dream.

غُروبْ الشَّمْــس *

يشعرني غروب الشمس بإعلانٍ لنهاية يوم مليء بمواقف و لحظات سواء كانت سعيدة أو حزينة . .

و هو أمل بقدوم يوم جديـد ؛ و يبث في نفسي التفاءل بأشياء رائعة مواقف جميلة . .


Dessert Time! =D

Ofcours lots of you like sweets , so today I'm going to show you how to make a yummy and easy to make dessert.
What you need is :
2 cans of cream
2 spoons of sugar
2 spoons of cocoa powder (Nesquik chocolate)
Tea biscuits (Digestive)

How to prepare the sweet :
1- Mix all the ingrediats in a
bowl , but keep the biscuits.

2- Add 2 spoons of the mixture in a tray.

3- Add a layer of the biscuitsand add a layer of the mixture.

4- Repeat the previous steps until the tray is full or
until the mixture is finished.

5- Cover the sweet with nylon
and put it in the fridge for 4-6 hours.
Hope you enjoy your dessert =)

Addicted To Coffee

Coffee is my favorite drink. I have to drink coffee every day it’s an important thing to me. Am addicted to coffee .. when I go to the mall I buy from starbucks but if I stay at home I make it by myself and I’ll show u a picture of coffee that done by me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Who's your Friend

Every girl in this world needs a friend , a friend who is honest with you , who supports your ideas and advises you when your wrong , a real friend never lies to you no matter how painful the truth is. In our age , us teenagers we're easily effected with friends , because we are in a sensitive stage in our life right now. You have to know who is your real friend , the one who guides you to the right path , who tells you to pray on time and obey your parents. For my self I have known lots of girls and we became really close friends but after a while I was surprised by their actions , I never thought that they would change and forget all we have been through. This is my advise to you , choose a friend that will always be there for you , the one who will never disappoint you and if she does she will apologies in the end.

تساؤلات مُـبْهَمـة *

صديقتين تحب كلاهما الاخرى اكثر عن نفسها لا يعرف الكذب لهن طريقا . بعد صداقة دامت سنين على محبة وتعاون وثقــة و مواقف جميلة ؛ انتقلت احداهن للسكن في منطقة اخرى تبعد عن الاخرى بقليل ، على الرغم من ذلك تواصلن و لم تفرقهن الطرقات قط .
فجـأة . . !

لم تسمع إحداهن خبرًا عن الاخرى خيراَ أو شراَ ؛ و مضت بهن الايام ولا تعرف احداهن عن الاخرى شيئاَ . . قرابة العام !

ما الذي حدث لتلك الصداقة ؟؟ هل حدث مكروه لاحداهن ولم تستطع التواصل مع الاخرى ؟ لما لا تهاتف احداهن الاخرى أنسيتا مواقفهن و وعدهن لبعض ؟! لما قد ينقطع التواصل فيما بينهن لاي سبب !؟

ستظل الصداقة كما يجب ان تكون ، محملة بذكريات جميلــة و مواقف سواء كانت حزينة أو طريفة .
الصداقة أسمى العلاقات و أجملها و أرقـــاها . .


Graphic =p

I have many hobbies speicaly graphic my camera never leaves me i will show you my photos ..

.. salma

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Through My Lens

Photography is one of my hobbies , I'm going to show you a photo I have capured. This is the Dubai mall fountain . I liked the view so I took a picture of it.
